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Registered Loan Originators


Registered Loan Originators

Below is a list of registered loan originators employed by Magnifi Financial. A searchable list of all accredited lenders, including their work history, can be found on the NMLS Consumer Access Portal.



Employee Name 

1394561 Arnold, Megan
2274472 Barber, Dianne
1929638 Barten, Isaac
476684 Bast, Lynda
2509302 Bates, Kayla
709758 Beach, Daniel
1288922 Berscheid, Leigha
709756 Berscheid, Marcus
709744 Braegelmann, David
2251103 Braegelmann, Tyler
826827 Brutger, Lynn
867040 Cariveau, Shiloh
2367830 Christopher, Andrew
2042946 Curran, Morgan
2185917 Czech, Crystal
1246911 Denny, Melinda
770800 Donabauer, Peggy
2274473 Droogsma, Olivia
1844493 Dufner, Julie
900295 Edenborg, Michael
493947 Eibensteiner, Janel
709755 Faust, Kathleen
2515523 Fleischhacker, Kelsey
1148812 Fuchs, Sheryl
2645780 Garcia, Jazmine
709752 Gerads, Melissa
2684008 Goodall, Heather
1203190 Grefsrud, Laura
2139325 Grundhoefer, Jenessa
2479447 Grundseth, Amanda
654331 Hanneman, Sandra
1576206 Hanson, Logan
1443185 Harlander, Janelle
2185918 Hensch, Melanie
1401306 Hersch, Ashlee
1844494 Hess, Adam
1022680 Hinnenkamp, Lynnell
1817853 Hoeschen, Tracy
2007221 Hurst, Jackson
2577463 Ismil, Isabella
2013107 Jackson, Shelbie
1389816 Janshen, Rebecca
506682 Kortuem, Kimberly 
2283340 Kalthoff, Miranda
1960183 Klaphake, Brandon
2510480 Klemmer, Sarah
1887849 Koenen, Kelly
709757 Kraska, Andrea
1916224 Kummet, Taylor
786870 Lemke, Sheri
2107391 Mcclanahan, Leah
2133678 Mellesmoen, Derek
1511494 Mesker, Tami
1570881 Milligan, Casey
569638 Moore, Travis
2605593 Nelson, Peter
1837136 Otte, Emily
1413067 Otteson, Adam
2515522 Poepping, Gabrielle
955591 Prchal, April
2043497 Provo, Christa
1085906 Pundsack, Lisa
1598603 Rademacher, Tyler
2180981 Rahn, Nora
1347198 Reyes, Jenna
2498536 Rieland, Brady
2274474 Schmidt-Westerman, Morgan
1667711 Schmitt, Robert
1749091 Schnettler, Heidi
848960 Schulz, Laurie
1065821 Simons, Christina
2640451 Skjegstad, Milissa
1204724 Steiner, Ronald
2515524 Supan, Chloe
1824347 Thull-Rolfzen, Haley
2595341 Tschida, Nicole
1044074 Tschida, Wendy
2152989 Uphus, Theodore
510144 Welle, Douglas
2107389 Wohletz, Jodi
648134 Wong, Kelly
2506352 Zollar, Robert


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